Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Snowmobiling and Beaver Trapping

Last weekend our son and our grandson came up to check beaver traps. In between the checking, Eddie did some zoomin' around the house on his little snowmobile.

The snow was sparse and the temps warm. Little man got stuck on this little snow hill but Grandpa came to the rescue and gave him a push.

We took a jaunt to Hulbert for a burger and watched the deer chomp down corn and beets. On the upper left you can see a spike.

Back home and back out to the traps they went...

...and came back with a harvest of three!

The dogs get in on a picture.

But not Edison. He wanted to ride some more.

I sure am fascinated by a beaver's teeth and feet.

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

A Day of Sledding

We finally received snow just in time for our son and his family to come up for the weekend for some winter fun. Steve and Riley set Beaver Traps, we snowmobiled, the kids snowmobiled on their little snowmobile, we celebrated Edison's 4th birthday in our barn, and we went sledding down at our camp. Above is 6 year old Harper and her dad getting ready to whiz down the hill.

Harper and Edison getting help from Mom and Dad. They want to fly down the hill on their bellies.

And then they walk back up again.

Grandpa found his perfect perch and watched.

And me? I was taking pictures, of course!

Sunday, January 7, 2024

Keeping Our Fingers Crossed


I took this pic this morning when I stepped out with Hank and my morning cup of coffee. You can't see it very well, but the sun was trying to peek around the tall pine. We have a little snow.

A few weeks ago, Hank was completely bored when Steve put lights on this pine tree we cut for the birds and set by our bird tray feeder. No snow.

This week, our weather guys (different channels) are talking of a storm Tuesday and Wednesday.  There are two weather models that predict the different ways the storm could go. There is a chance that the storm could squeak by the UP and barely miss us. Sigh. 

And then there's the chance we get a foot or more of snow. Humph.

I'll keep those of you snowmobilers posted on our snow results.
Zoom zoom...